Film and fitness

My sister and I have been on the road filming a documentary called "What the Health". It is a film about health, the current food and medical system and natural healing and diet. We are traveling across the US from California interviewing some amazing people and experts on these subjects.

At the same time I brought my bike, swim and run gear to keep up with my training and preparing for Xterra Nationals in September. We are incorporating this into the film as well as my sisters family, the main reason she was compelled to produce this film.

Some of the material may be controversial but I believe we are doing the right thing by sharing this information. Truth will be it's own proof and that is why I encourage all of those working on exposing it.

Though the topics are serious we are having fun along the way. Maybe even goofing off a little too much when the cameras rolling.

If you are interested in following us around the country and to see the folks we have met along the way, visit

What the Health?

Recently my sister and I set out to film a health documentary. We are traveling the country and so far it is nothing what I had imagined. Check out our pics and follow our progress on our films blog.